Install Patch on ESXI Server

I’m not going to detail the steps here to update the ESXI server. These are quick steps to get your ESXI server updated via the VMware patch bundle. In this installation, I have patched the ESXI 7.0U3 server to the latest 7.0U3o patch level.

Go to vmware and download the patch bundle and upload it to your ESXI server datastore.

Then note down the store location, safely shutdown or move servers, and put the host in maintenance mode.

SSH into the server and run( Make sure to edit your line as needed for file location, esxcli software sources profile list -d /vmfs/volumes/Store1/ISO/

It will shows package content

Then run ( in this insttance I have selected esxi standard) esxcli software profile update -d /vmfs/volumes/Store1/ISO/ -p ESXi-7.0U3o-22348816-standard

After sometimes, you will see a notifcation that update has been completed and server needs a reboot

Go ahead and reboot and done.

Here is some links for detail ver of above,